Joseph Prince



B.A., Youth and Family Ministry, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX

M.MFT, Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX



After a long journey from West Texas to the Metroplex, Joey is excited to be back in his home city of Austin, Texas!

Joey’s academic training includes a BA in Youth and Family Ministry and a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Abilene Christian University. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a licensed clinical supervisor.

Prior to working as a marriage and family therapist, Joey worked with adolescents and their families through various youth ministry-focused roles. Joey quickly realized that he was being called to a clinical setting. In a clinical setting, Joey has effectively met a wide variety of client needs. The largest demographics Joey has worked with include adolescents, families, and individuals struggling with significant mental illness.

Throughout his career, Joey has worked with individuals whose needs demanded a higher level of care than traditional therapy. This need for a higher level of care occurred as a result of mental health challenges related to anxiety, depression, stress, and bipolar, including incidents of psychosis. Often, these individuals were also seeking help for abuse and addiction to substances.

Since joining the Timothy Center, Joey’s role has changed. Currently, Joey serves as the Clinic Director for the Northwest office. Joey has a passion for working with patients and their families, as well as supervising emerging clinicians.



Phone: 512-331-2700
