Terri Rivera



M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy, Minneapolis, MN

B.S. Psychology, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ

Certification in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Prepare and Enrich Facilitator



After raising her three children by herself, Terri decided to finish her dream of earning a college degree. She was a self-employed home inspector for 19 years. With three kids and a business to run, there was never time to finish her degree. Both her parents passed away while she was in high school leaving her to care for her four-year-old sister. Thankfully, God was there every step of the way. But school fell to the bottom of the list, Earning her Bachelor’s college degree, only increased her thirst for knowledge, as well as the need to help others. As the Nursery Director at Bethany Lutheran Church for seven years, she learned the great need young parents have for direction. Many prayers and discussions, with other Church members, were involved in the decision to become a Christian counselor.

Volunteerism and helping others has been an important part of her life, since the age of thirteen. It began at a home for mentally challenged children. The time spent with those children was incredibly joyful, but it was no longer possible after the death of her parents. As a college student,  she began volunteering at Church, and through Alpha Phi Omega, a service organization at the University of Texas. Later as a mother of three and full time employee, her volunteering was connected to her children as a soccer coach, room mother, girl scout leader, and continued at Church. With her children grown, she was able to choose a future which will enable her to help more people in a more meaningful way, as a Christian marriage and family therapist.

Terri interned at the Central Texas Children’s home where she was trained  in TBRI, Trauma Informed Relational Intervention. She has also done training in Trauma Informed care and Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Terri’s personal experience, training and professional experience gives her insight into those struggling with parenting issues, depression, anxiety and identity issues. She has always felt called to work with families, children and teens, as well as couples, parents and women. 



Phone: 512-331-2700

Email: appointments@timothycenter.com